Open source

Tools for Deep Help with IBM i projects

Get Deep Help in understanding what your system actually does, and when, and by whom. And how your system processes integrate with your operational processes.

  • What parts of this program are executing and when?
  • How does transaction type A differ from transaction type B?
  • What are the intrinsic business processes in the system?
  • What is the flow of activities in business processes?
  • How can we document business processes?
  • What is the sequence of events in the system for a given transaction?
  • …or a given entity, like orders, customers, etc?
  • Who is doing what to the system?
  • … and when does it happen relative to other activities?
  • How can we get our heads around what is actually in our database?
  • … and figure out how to cleanse and migrate are data?

See your business processes and workflow in motion

While legacy RPG applications typically have no architecture defining business processes and workflows, through the use of strategically analyzed metadata it is possible to construct an understanding of them.

ParseVisualize program execution like you've never seen before.

Suspendisse leo sodales varius leo elementum vestibulum a elit at ultrices a mi a praesent enim libero ultrices a amet suscipit. A tempus iaculis habitasse suspendisse aenean parturient blandit a
rutrum leo elementum purus a a et id non feugiat donec.

Visualize program execution like you've never seen before.

Suspendisse leo sodales varius leo elementum vestibulum a elit at ultrices a mi a praesent enim libero ultrices a amet suscipit. A tempus iaculis habitasse suspendisse aenean parturient blandit a
rutrum leo elementum purus a a et id non feugiat donec.

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